If you or your pet aren’t completely satisfied with our food, please let us know, and we’ll try to put things right.
We can arrange an exchange or issue a refund of the purchase price of the item(s) for any unopened product within 30 days of purchase. We only accept unopened bags with the seal intact. We are unable to accept any returns on our sample sizes.
All returns are done at the cost of the customer. A refund on the product will be given upon arrival.
If you purchased from a retailer, please go to the retailer to make the return.
If you purchased directly at simplefoodproject.com in the past 30 days:
We can exchange any item(s) that is unopened.
To exchange an item:
If the item you’re exchanging costs less than your original purchase, we’ll refund you the difference. If the new item costs more, we’ll charge you for the difference in price.
We will need to have your payment method on file and your expressed consent to charge your card for the 2nd item shipped if the other item is not returned to us within 30 days.
Cancellations or Modifications: Cancellation or modification requests for an order can be made if it has not been sent out of our warehouse. If the request is made after the order leaves the warehouse, the return procedures will need to be followed upon receipt of the merchandise by the customer.
Please note that our order fulfillment and shipping systems are designed to get orders on their way quickly and efficiently. Therefore, once the order has been sent out of our warehouse, neither you nor our customer service staff will be able to cancel or modify it. We are not responsible for orders that cannot be canceled or changed after an order has been submitted.
Lost or Missing Packages: All items purchased from The Simple Food Project are made according to a shipment contract, meaning that the risk of loss and title for such items pass to you upon our delivery to the carrier.
*This policy is subject to change without notice.
*This policy is subject to change without notice.